Holiday Gifts That Connect: Can’t Buy Me Love!

Give gifts from the heart, not just the wallet.
Couple walking

Nearly every book, article, or blog written about holiday stress invariably mentions the subject of money. Holiday spending can feel hollow and burdensome, but ultimately unavoidable. It’s an obligation.

Businesses use the holiday season to boost sales and barrage consumers with messages that stand in stark contrast to the values they purportedly defend. The corporations push the message that, in your most intimate relationships, money creates meaning and cash communicates care. Spending proves your love.

However, money is not the currency of love.

Instead of focusing on making financial withdrawals this year, work on making deposits into your emotional bank accounts. You can show friends and family how much you care by giving them your time, personal attention, and affection. Instead of shopping, spend free time connecting with others.

Give the gift of a great relationship this holiday season. Here are some examples to think about:

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This training provides the tools and know-how to take small groups of couples through Dr. Gottman’s revised, groundbreaking book The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work.

Whether at your church, community center, place of business, or home, the material you will learn in this training can be taught by anyone interested in making a difference in couples’ lives.

The Seven Principles Leader Training is offered as a live virtual training June 26-27, 2025.


Help pregnant and parenting families in your community prepare for the transition to parenthood.

This is a LIVE virtual training event for Educators held over three days that also includes everything offered in the Essentials Package PLUS live Q&A sessions, small group participation, role-plays, and teachbacks. Training Dates: August 13-15, 2025.

It is human nature to seek positive connections with our families, friends and other members of our communities. BBH supports this ideal and has far reaching effects. Through virtual education, I have felt privileged to welcome families from Australia, Austria, Turkey, Canada, Ukraine, New Zealand and all over the United States. Making connections with other parents, learning the same skills at the same time has the possibilities of stronger communities and healthy outcomes for the future of its children. —Lisa Tankersley, BBH Educator


Digital Format – 24 Couples Exercises and Guides based on Gottman Concepts

Includes all 4 Digital Gottman Couples Workbooks: The Basics | Journaling & Jars | Quizzes & Games | Conflict Edition

This Gottman Couples Workbook Bundle includes 24 hands-on exercises in one comprehensive package designed to help couples deepen their connection using proven Gottman concepts. These practical resources are grounded in the renowned Gottman Method and offer structured activities and exercises specifically designed to help couples deepen their understanding of each other, strengthen communication skills, and foster long-lasting intimacy. Useful as an add-on to therapy programs, each of the 24 exercises teaches couples how to apply Gottman concepts in their everyday life.

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