The Love Prescription: Q&A with Drs. John and Julie Gottman

Drs. John and Julie Gottman discuss their New York Times bestseller, The Love Prescription: Seven Days to More Intimacy, Connection, and Joy.
The Love Prescription

Congratulations on your New York Times bestseller – The Love Prescription! What’s the book about?

“We are thrilled that the New York Times has listed our book as a bestseller for three weeks and counting. This book reveals the surprisingly simple secrets to enhancing intimacy, passion, and friendship, all in 7 days. It’s easy to read, direct and actionable. By taking a different step each day, readers can begin their journey toward the relationship of their dreams.”

What is the Gottman Method?

The Gottman Method is an approach to creating, restoring and rebuilding relationships that is based on a foundation of research. We began our work 50 years ago by studying thousands of couples, following some for decades. We wanted to answer one question: What makes relationships succeed or fail? After painstaking studies, we unearthed the answers. Based on these, we have generated exercises and interventions and proved they really work. 

Our mission has been to help as many couples as possible. To that end, we have trained over 55,000 therapists and have seen over 100,000 people in our workshops. People have called us “the world’s leading experts on relationships,” and John has been called “The Einstein of Love.” 

We know the COVID-19 pandemic has caused profound loneliness and disconnection in relationships. We also know that when people connect deeper and love stronger, they can enjoy an amazing quality of life. We want that for every couple, and we have the tools to help people do it.”

What is the future of the Gottman Method?

“Our future mission is to make the Gottman Method accessible to everyone through a brilliantly crafted software platform called Gottman Connect. Open The Love Prescription to any chapter, then go on to Gottman Connect to find even more tools, entertaining videos and helpful instruction. You can even get a detailed, insightful and accurate assessment of your relationship’s strengths and challenges plus recommendations for what tools will help you the most. Relationships are always a journey, and we want your journey to happily last a lifetime.”

Ready to invest in your relationship? Head to Gottman Connect to explore research-based programs for relationship success!

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